Impractical jokers murr pinata
Impractical jokers murr pinata

impractical jokers murr pinata

There the group says that the audience was good and that each one of their punishments was the worst. The group slowly floats back to Jokers’ HQ and meets up with the others. Murr’s own parachute opens as well as a giant one for the guests. Murr continues to yell as a ferret flies by him on a small parachute. He hits the side of the stage and sends guests falling down with him. His screams of terror can be heard as he falls toward the stage. The stage flies upward and guests can see Murr skydiving, or crie-diving as Joe puts it. Joe comes in on his pod and says that Murr is on his way. Sal clings onto the stage as it flies over a swamp, just as he lets go and falls into the murky water. Q says to give him a hand and the stage flies near Sal, knocking him onto the front of it. The stage moves onward and finds Sal running through a maze from a man in a cat costume. On the way to the punishment, Q says that Joe seems to have beat them to the punch, as he can be seen as Captain Fatbelly on top of a Staten Island cable car. Q, sad and depressed, steps into his own hover pod and directs the guests to the next punishment. At that moment, a tank drives up and blows up the Jeep. He steps out of the car and says that it can’t possibly get any worse. The stage stops at a parking lot where Q can be seen spinning around in his Jeep. Murr soon arrives on his own hover pod and redirects the stage back to the streets of NYC. After a few attempts, he eventually tells the audience that he’ll be awhile and that they might as well go.

impractical jokers murr pinata

There, Joe is in a stray jacket while trying to escape from a large tank. The stage dodges cars and oncoming traffic and eventually slams through the doors of a theatre. The force causes Murr to swing violently and eventually hit the stage, sending the guests backward down the city streets. There, guests see the first punishment, Murr hanging from a cable dressed as a piñata with kids wacking him with sticks. The stage moves and follows Sal as he makes his way onto the New York streets. The jokers enter their own hover pods and three of them blast off into different directions, leaving only Sal to guide the guests out of the office. The screen soon turns on and curtains open up, revealing the stage is in the IJ office. The stage sits in front of a large screen that plays the ride footage. Guests board a large stage that has been modified with wheels and a new glider system. So, instead of taking a tour of New York, the ride becomes a competition in which guests see the Jokers reenacting their worst punishments. They decide to settle the debate by letting the guests decide. While waiting, the Jokers are backstage arguing over whose punishment has been the worst. After the show, guests will then be taken on a tour of New York City.


Guests are invited to the Impractical Jokers’ TV studio and are told that they’re going to be special guests in a live airing of the show in which the Jokers told about their worst punishments.

impractical jokers murr pinata

It has a similar ride system to Universal’s Jimmy Fallon attraction. It is based on the Impractical Jokers TV show and the many punishments the group has encountered throughout the show’s history. Impractical Jokers’ Punishment Dash is a 4D attraction located in the truTV Blvd.

Impractical jokers murr pinata